When you hear gay rights, what does that really mean? I ask this question of every person gay or not. Reason being it was my understanding that a right in it's meaning (are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology). Do gay rights include influencing or promoting others to be gay? In particular children?. Is gay considered to be the same as being black or any other race? Is being gay a choice? Is gay a lifestyle? Is gay a personal existence? Is gay natural? Is gay healthy? Does gay produce life? If we were all gay, would that be ok? If everyone were gay would there be life? Do gay people find it essential that people not only accept them in society but insist people allow their philosophy to override their own. Is being gay a necessity for life? I would like their to be a sensible debate to these questions and more. This topic is one of the most serious issues we as a society face. Last but not least does being gay have a greater importance then having a belief in god?
Gay rights a LIFESTYLE not a right, a choice to change and redirect what God has created. Changing the laws of nature to twist it for their own philosophy and jamming it down the throats who DO NOT believe.
The LGBTQ+ Community wants to change laws and push their agender on us to say they are right; we are wrong, and the hell to the rest of them.
If I go against it, then I am a bigot, homo hatting extremist. But I am not, just a voice crying in the wilderness who do not agree.
I do have a cousin in Florida who is part of the LGBTQ+ community and do not hate him, in fact, I love my cousin, but I do not agree with his lifestyle. I am not hating them but in hope that they change to healthier lifestyle so that God bless can bless them so they can go and witness to that community of what God has done for them.
So, please, don't take the wrong way I love the LGBTQ+ community but hate the sin and in hope that look to the Cross of Christ for full forgiveness.